January 24, 2012

Fantastic Finds: Internet

Pretty sure that I have just stumbled upon a new blog feature: "Late to the Party: Fantastic Finds." I am not sure if it's because I just spent the last three years in school and didn't have much time for internet browsing-OR-if this just started to happen when I thinned out my Google reader and embraced new blogs, but my radar is up and I keep stumbling upon fantastic things.  I wanted to share this find in case there are others out there that don't know about this fantastic site:: craftgawker

First let me say that the iPhone app for this site is fantastic.  Also- I like how the projects, tutorials, hair advice, etc. all take you directly to the blog where the idea originated.  Once you register you can save projects/images that you love.  It's like pinterest, but without all the repeated images and uncredited work.

Any fantastic finds you want to share with me?!?

1 comment:

  1. jeny- your blog is just LOVELY. thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment on my blog today! xo
