May 9, 2013

A day in life

Welcome to "Blog Everyday in month of May!" Today's theme is a moment in your day.  I decided to share a recent project I did on Instagram called #adayinthelife. I was a neat way to document a typical day for me and I will be doing these seasonally.  Lost of people on IG participate and the project usually happens on the first of a month.  I will be sure to post here a few days before the next project or you can just join in with the hashtag #dayinthelife on the first of every month!

PS. If you follow me on IG I am sorry for the second time around photos and if you don't follow me, please do!

Morning (left to right)- in the Starbucks drive-thru, logging in and checking email, coffee refill, snacktime

Afternoon (left to right)
- preparing for a meeting, meeting doodles, leaving work (!), picking up my bug!

Evening (left to right)-
snack time & walking Bella, dinner for the bug, prepping blog post, & nightly rituals.

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