May 3, 2011

Where I've been

SO much to catch up on.  Last week felt like a whirlwind with finals, the 1st anniversary + traveling to Washington, DC for work.  For today's post I am going to let instagram do the talking for me! Hope you are having a great start to your week.  So much to be happy about in early May.  Can't wait to share my May goals with you and find out what your May goals are.  So, what are your May goals + wishes?!?

::A rainbow after a crazy hailstorm, while we waited to run the i5K (it was canceled.)::

::An amazing 1st Anniversary dinner at High Cotton | Downtown, Charleston::

::Paper Anniversary + a gift of messages in a bottle.  My husband was very romantic!::

::A moment to catch my breath::

::Flying to Washington, DC for work and lots of visits with friends::

::Missing him + happy to come home to the grand opening of one of our FAVORITE local restaurants| Juanita Greenbergs, Mount Pleasant::

1 comment:

  1. Love note in a bottle = best 1st anniversary gift, ever! So glad you survived your semester!! : )
